1. Your best self is right beyond your comfort zone.
2. Be nice to people who are hateful, they need it the most.
3. Don’t burn bridges, we live in a small world.
4. Never be afraid of your feelings. They are there for a reason.
5. Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and bad days give you experience. Both are essential in life.
6. The strength you have within is enough to fight your battles.
7. Having something to lose makes life worth living.
8. Rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path.
9. Practice moderation IN EVERYTHING and I really mean EVERYTHING. Even in things you may consider “positive”, “healthy” or “good”. That guy who spends 7 days a week in the gym, thinking he is on top of his fitness game isn’t doing it right. That guy who is at work until 9 PM and gets home when his kids are already sleeping isn’t doing it right. That guy who is up until 3 am choking his chicken even though he has work/school in the morning isn’t doing it right. No one wishes they had spent more time at the gym, the office, or jerking off on their deathbed. MODERATION IS KING OF THE UNIVERSE.
10. Do not buy new cars, the best deal is a slightly used, low mileage car.
11. Do not buy new gadgets. They are half-off the following year.
12. Do not day-trade, invest for the long-term. Day-trading has a 100% failure rate.
13. Study Philosophy. The earlier you get into it, the better your life will be. Quite literally, the term philosophy means "lover of wisdom" from greek philo = “lover of” and sophia = “wisdom”. Need some mentors? Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and many others have been mentoring people for hundreds/thousands of years!
14. How to keep in shape without a diet: Keep your food portions small and eat 6–8 times per day vs 3 huge meals. How big should a single food portion be? Clinch your hand into a fist. In terms of proteins, your fist size is one food portion. Vegetables and fruits can be eaten as much as you want!
15. If you are a creative person, do not buy into the whole “must wake up at 4 am to be successful” mentality of CEOs. Corporate CEOs are non-creative type of people who are hired to keep the lights on, not to create things. Their schedules demand regimentation while the creative schedule demands exploration. Do not confuse the two.
16. The money problem is very easy to solve if you think CREATIVELY. People who have 9–5 jobs think linearly and like to follow easy rules. Creative people create their own rules.
17. The best lifehack to become wealthy is starting a high-growth company and making it succeed. There is absolutely no better alternative. As a founder, you buy your company’s stock at close to nothing (cents!). Years later it could be worth billions! AMAZING!
18. The second best wealth lifehack would be investing in such a company early on but you must already be wealthy for this to work and you give up control as you don’t actually run the company yourself.
19. If you’re unable to do any of the two suggestions above, the third best wealth lifehack is to become a financial monk and SAVE + INVEST every penny you earn. Google “F.I.R.E.” and join the movement. The earlier in life you start, the better.
20. If you are female, read non-fiction more. If you are male, read fiction more.
21. Real love is one soul in two bodies.
22. Whatever feeds the ego, kills the soul.
23. Surround yourself with people who are better than you. That way you become better by association.
24. Make sure you make time for laughter in your life. Schedule it if you are busy but don’t miss out on it.
25. Practice becoming an effective communicator. 90% of the problems in the world can be fixed with better communication. 99% of all human conflicts can be attributed to bad communication. It is probably one of the most taken-for-granted attributes of existence.
26. If you want to raise children that are creative, let them be kids. Give them enough playtime and exploratory time. Do not overburden them with stuff YOU as a parent want them to do. Remember Michael Jackson? He was basically an adult child because his childhood was robbed of him.
27. If you are an atheist/agnostic looking for a way to become more mentally resilient and/or improve your mental well-being, look into Zen which is a philosophy of “being in peace with yourself” and provides for some spiritually without religion. Google or YouTube “Alan Watts” to get started.
28. If you are male, find a woman with a brain. They all have vaginas. If you are female, find a man with lots of money, you can be their brain!
29. Buying flowers is way cheaper than a divorce. Don’t be irrational.
30. Don’t just speak about doing something. Do them! Then speak about it while you are showing it off to people.
31. Remember: In a world of change, not taking a risk is risky itself.
32. Courage is knowing it might hurt and doing it anyway.
33. Don’t think of failure as failure, think of it as a stepping stone to success.
34. Complaining is not a strategy. It’s a coping mechanism. Those who are able to change, change. Those who do not, complain.
35. If you are female, refrain from gossiping. Every time you gossip, you reduce your social status with the people you do the gossiping with.
36. The worst decisions are made when people are emotional. Count to 10 if you are upset. Count to 100 if you are really upset. Sleep over it just to be safe.
37. Remember, only hurt people hurt people.
38. Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.
39. Turn off the news. If something super important happens, you will hear it from someone around you. Worrying about things you cannot control is a waste of time/energy and contributes greatly to unnecessary stress in your life.
40. You must make time for meaningful growth. If you are not growing, you are stagnating. It doesn’t have to be huge things, just watching a TED talk or reading a book can contribute to your growth. Become a life-long learner.
41. Nothing that’s worthwhile is easy but with practice/experience, anything hard can become easy.
42. Find something you love to do first. Worry about making money second. You have found your life-work if what you think, say, and do are in harmony.
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